Jeffco Public Schools Online Enrollment is the digital replacement for the previous paper-based choice enrollment process. It has been expanded to capture all students to make school information easier for families to access, streamline processes, ensure the same timeline for all schools, and give schools more time to plan for the next school year.
If you haven't used you are missing a wonderful neighborhood tool. This electronic bulletin board allows neighbors, Eiber neighborhood entities, and City of Lakewood government officials to communicate on an ongoing basis. The Eiber neighborhood is under 'Eiberhood.'

Lakewood Council Ward Representatives
Who are your Ward Representatives and when do they meet?

Lakewood Maps

The Geographic Information Systems personnel in Lakewood provides support and access to geographic data for other city agencies and Lakewood citizens.  This data could be in the form of a PDF or an interactive map.

GIS supports front line groups that affect Safe Living Environment, Communication to Citizens, Internal Infrastructure, Transportation, Quality Economic Development, Physical Infrastructure, and Quality Park and Recreation Programs.

Visit the website and search a variety of maps.

Jefferson County
The Eiber neighborhood is in Jefferson County, CO

Neighborhood Services


  • For Emergencies, call 911.

  • Police (non-emergency)           303-987-7111


Neighborhood Watch Groups

Health and Hospitals


Other City Services


Lakewood Rides Transportation Services      303-987-4826 or 4832

  • Public Transportation - Bus and Light Rail Service    303-628-9000   (there are three stations in Eiber:  Lakewood-Wadsworth (at 13th Ave and Wadsworth Blvd); Garrison (at 13th Ave and Garrison St.) and Oak (at 13th Ave and Oak St)

Parks and Open Spaces

  • Holbrook Park, 810 Garrison Street

  • James J. Richey Park, 1301 Carr Street

  • Sunset Park, 10500 W. 12th Avenue

Recreation Centers

General Lakewood recreation center information.



For more information on nearby Lakewood amenities, visit