After being cooped up we’re all likely craving a little connection, community, and conversation.
Whether you’re new to Sustainable Eiber or you’ve been involved for years, please join us for a virtual open house.
Meet other Eiber neighbors, learn more about Sustainable Eiber, share your ideas, and hear about ways to get involved.
Sustainable Eiber is an all-volunteer group of neighbors that coordinates and supports projects and initiatives such as these that help make ‘Eiberhood’ a more sustainable and resilient place to live.
Info to join the open house via Zoom is below:
Meeting ID: 865 3817 9908
Passcode: 267173
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86538179908#,,,,*267173# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86538179908#,,,,*267173# US (Tacoma)